My Travels
Blog Posts

Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park is by far the most unique park I’ve visited to date. Not because of the jaw dropping cliffs or it being known for having a scenic road, but because of the diversity and what it has to offer. In my Blog you will be able to see more!

Rocky Mountain National PArk
Rocky Mountain National Park is home for me. My most visited park with and with more time spent here throughout the year, I keep discovering more on what it truly has to offer. Every hike seems worth repeating and with the endless amount of Elk and Deer, you’ll wont be disappointed in the wildlife.
My favorite moments captured within the park featuring some very close people to me. A whole lot of adventure, camping, hiking and driving through this amazing park.

Galapagos Islands
These Islands are a place of pure beauty and uniqueness. Going from island to island exploring and discovering new animals like I’ve never seen before. One of my favorites was the Cormorant, a flightless bird that can dive up to 50 feet in order to get food and survive in these climates.

A true bucket list location, starting off in Quito, Ecuador and venturing off around the Galapagos Islands!